Thursday, February 14, 2008

Reuni Fisika angkatan 91

It's been quite a long time since I last saw my friends from Physics. After we graduated from ITB, we practically never had the chance to get together anymore. That's why when one of them suggested that we had a little reunion, complete with our spouse and family, I readily agreed.

We met on saturday, Feb. 9, in Pras's house in Pondok Gede. I previously asked Cholid, the EO, whether we need to bring some food or not. But Cholid said we could just collect some money and give it to Pras afterward. It's simpler. Ok, I agreed. But as I promised to bring one of my 'creation', I still brought a blackforrest cake and spaghetti (because my children are picky eater, so I'd better bring something that they really like).

On the D-day, we arrived at the place the same time with Yayan and his family. Cholid and his new wife were already there. And then I did a stupid thing. I dropped the cake that I very meticulously prepared the night before. Gone was the beauty of that cake. Bummer! Fortunately (typical Indonesian. Always look for the bright side), it's not completely damaged. So it's still edible. Meanwhile, Pras and his wife (and I guess, his mother as well) have prepared some delicious cuisine for the occasion. The ox tail soup was definitely tasty, not to mention the pangsit which was served with mayonaise sauce (honestly, I never thought pangsit could go with mayonaise but it was great). Yummy!!

Later, Jose and his family and then Remon arrived. As Remon was the only single amongst us, he resignedly became the object of other ridicules (so much for the promise of not asking, not teasing you, ya Mon? Hehehe...). And then Aas and his son arrived. As Reyhan was the only boy in the group (because all other kids were girls), he was glad to have another boy to play with. And how they play! Meanwhile, Izza, as always, was willing to play with other girls as long as they didn't touch her toys (or to be exact, the host's toys which she considered her own :D). But then she played with Jose's and Yayan's kids, who were older than her.

Finally, it's time to go home. But of course, we took some picture first. My sone and Aas's son were some of the photographers, so the pictures you're about to see were taken by Reyhan. I should say they're not bad. Not bad at all.

PS: Anyway, I want to tell you the fate of my cake. Despite its crumble look, everyone still love it. As I said to them, the accident merely change its look, not the taste. And it's almost gone by the time we were ready to go home, and I was very glad about it :D. Anyway, it's the original looks.

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