Wednesday, August 31, 2005

Hanabi Freak

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Sebelum bikin postingan ini, liat tanggal postingan yang terakhir, alamaaakkkk.... tanggal 2 agustus? hampir sebulan yg lalu yak!!! Maap sodara-sodara, soale hari-hari terakhir ini sibuk aseli sama urusan permudikan. Yang nge-pak barang laaah, yang pesen cargo laaahh, yang cari takyubin buat kirim itu barang ke yokohama laaah, yang pesen tiket laaahhh..... Pusiiiingggg aja judulnya (ntar loe juga ngalemin deh dev). Belon lagi utang nonton hanabi n jalan-jalan (yang ini gak boleh kelewatan duong. Fardlu hukumnya).

Oya, setelah nonton hanabi yang pertama itu, yg di asakusa, my dear hubby bilang gini pada suatu malam: "Kan kamera kita bisa buat motret firework. Ada mode-nya tuh, yg khusus buat itu." Gubrak!!! Kenapa baru bilang sekarang?!/(*%*!!! Terus dikeluarkanlah buku pintar itu kamera, dan ternyata emang ada. Gampang pula nge-setnya. Tapi syaratnya satu, kudu pake tripod karena kalo gak pasti goyang (mode itu pake bukaan yg gede tapi speed rendah). Sooooo.... langsung dong, mama minta (plus maksa) dibeliin tripod. Untung Mas oke2 aja, karena kan bisa buat investasi tokh, tripod ntu (Alesan aja sih. Pokoke beliiii).

Jadilah, tanggal 17 Agustus, hari kemerdekaan Indonesia, kita nyatronin akihabara buat nyari tripod. Alhamdulillah, dapet juga yg bagus n lagi sale abis2an (dari harga 14 rebu jadi cuma 3 rebu euy. Kalo rejeki emang gak kemana). Bukan apa apa, tanggal 20 nya kan ada hanabi di kumagaya, udah dipesenin tempat pula sama temennya Tanaka-san. So, rugi dong kalo gak dapet gambar yg bagus.

Dan..... eng ing engg..... Inilah hasilnya:

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Inilah para pemirsa hanabi dari GITS, mewakili negara masing-masing

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Cantik yaaa????? I just love fireworks. Sayangnya, the pictures don't do justice to the real, awesome, magnificent fireworks. Kecil2 sih. Tp kl diperhatikan gambar yg dibaris ke-2 sebelah kiri itu, dibagian bawahnya ada deretan lampu kecil, itu adalah lampunya tenda-tenda penjual makanan. Kecil banget kan, dibanding hanabinya? So, kebayang kan, segimana gedenya itu para kembang api? Heemmmhhhh.... kapan ya di Indonesia bisa ngadain hanabi kayak gitu and gak mengundang cemooh orang (read: protes kenapa bakar2 kembang api padahal duitnya bisa dipake buat beliin makanan utk rakyat yg masih kelaparan alias indonesia terbebas dari kemiskinan, gitu lhooo).

Wah, ini baru laporan hanabi di kumagaya, yg di Isesaki belon masuk nih. Besok2 la ya, soalnya fotonya bagus2 juga, sayang kalo gak dishare. Sekarang, ane mo shalat subuh dulu trus tidurrrrrr..... (begadang nih, buat bikin ini postingan. Gile gak sih?)

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Asakusa Hanabi

Masuk bulan Juli-Agustus, jepang mulai rame dengan suara dar-der-dor kembang api alias hanabi. Since this is our last summer in Japan, we decide to see as many hanabi as possible. The first one that we wanted to see was the one in kita-senju, near tuti-didin's house, on july 28. Alas, 2 days before the d-date, Izza sakit panas, sampai 40 derajat pula. We were afraid that it's something serious, so we cancelled the plan. It turned out that she was growing teeth, and when the teeth appeared, the fever disappeared. And she also can stand now, starting on july 24, even though she's still a bit unsteady and need to hold on to something to support herself.

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I got information from TV and internet that there would be a huge hanabi in Asakusa on Saturday, July 30. Ahaaa.... that's what we're looking for, now that Izza's healthy again. So, on that saturday, we went to tokyo by train (actually, we wanted to go by bus but there was no longer a saturday bus service, starting on that very day. Just our luck!). It was my first trip to Asakusa and it was very very crowded. Not to mention the heat! We didn't spend much time at the temple because of those reasons, so we went to the riverside park and waited for the hanabi to start.

Luckyly, we got a quite nice place in a stadium. Unfortunately, our sitting place was in front of the alley where people just didn't stop mill around. More or less, we enjoyed the show. And these are the pictures that I managed to take (some of the pictures are not very clear due to the smoke. It turned out that we were facing the wind so the smoke and even bits of hanabi residue drifted towards us).

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Beautiful, aren't they? Oooh, I can't wait to watch the next ones. Altough I'm not sure Reyhan agrees with the rest of us (he absolutely refused to see or even take his hands off his ears the whole time we were watching the show, while his sister happyly watch it)