Today, we went to Honjo Hoken Senta alias Honjo Health Center. Izza-chan got a card last month mentioning that on April 26 there would be a health check-up and BCG shot. Since she already got the BCG shot before we left Indonesia, I figured we just went there for the health check-up and also to check the place out for next month polio-shot.
Alas, just when we were ready to go at 12.30 (she was scheduled at 13.00-13.30), it was raining. But we went anyway when the rain ceased a little. But unfortunately, by the time we reached the shinkansen station, the rain got heavier (we were going by bicycle, by the way) so we decided to wait in the station. We were surprised to see so many high-school students sheltering in the station as well. The rain stopped at 2 pm, so off we went to the hoken center.
I got the information about the place from Yayoi who sent me a map yesterday. It was near Ikeda Clinic; where I had my pregnancy check-up when I was preggy with Izza. So we had a pretty good idea about the area. However, when we reached Ikeda clinic, the hoken center was nowhere to be seen. After circling the area for a while, we finally reach the place. It was not in the main road, hidden behind the apato buildings.
The place was quite empty, and we were met by a worker there. When she learned that we were there for Izza's check-up, she explained that the doctor was already gone because the schedule was only until 13.30. AArrgghhhh!$#$^*&^%#!!!! After all the hard work (I rode the bicycle while rucksack-carrying Izza. Can you imagine?), we've no result? Finally, we only took Izza's weight and height measurement (luckyly she was alright and healthy, so we didn't really have any problems). That's it, and then off we went to Belc near that place. But next month, we must come to that place again for the polio shot at 1 pm (and try not to be late, warn the worker :P)