The last time I made a posting, my phone bill skyrocketed. D'you know why? It's because I still use (well, mostly everyone in this pathetic country, I think) a dial up system, in this case, telkomnet. And do you know how long it takes to upload even one small picture? AGES! I've gone to the bathroom, taken some snacks, picked up a novel, gotten something to drink, come back and read several pages of the novel, and still my computer hasn't finished uploading the pictures. Kapok dah. No more postings (at least for a while).
But now, my dear friend devina asked me about 5 weirdest things in me. Apa yaaa??? As far as I know, there's no such thing as weird in me. But, come to think of it (and I'm thinkin' very, very hard now), there maybe are some interesting facts, only I don't know whether people would consider it weird or not. Well, here I go.
1. I always feel like there are 2 persons inside of me. For example, when people look at me, they will see a sweet, well-groomed, religious girl. What they don't know is that I enjoyed listening to loud and rock music such as Alanis Morrisette, Guns 'n Roses, Metallica and most of all, Bon Jovi. One of my roomates, a canadian named Kelly, couldn't be more surprised when she learned that I adore Guns 'n Roses. There I was, looking so calm with my jilbab, but listening to that kind of music. She said, "But you wear these (jilbab). Do you listen to their lyrics?" I said, "It's their music that I like, not the lyrics". And she said, "It's like there's a totally different person inside you". Well, maybe there is, maybe there isn't :P.But what my friend couldn't understand most is my liking to Michael Jackson. Yup, I am his fan (just his songs, though. Not his face or color since there's nothing original about them anymore). I remember my roomates used to make fun of me being Michael Jackson's fan. But, EGP la yaww...
2. I often experience Deja-vu. If you ever watch The Matrix, I'm sure you remember the part where Neo saw a black cat twice, and then he said,"Deja-vu". Well, my kind of deja-vu is not exactly like that. Most of the time, I had a dream of being somewhere that I've never been before or doing something that I've never done before, and then one day (which I have no idea when or where), I experience exactly the same thing, doing the exact thing at the exact place. The one that I remember most (because it's the one that makes me realize of this deja-vu-thing) happened at my friend's place in Bandung. It was around the UMPTN test day. My friend Dolly invited me and 3 other friends to stay at his uncle's house during the test (since we all came from jakarta and took the test in Bandung together, so we went to bandung together by Adi's car and stayed there for several days). It was the first time I visited the family with those guys, so there was no way that I had the same experience. But then I remembered that I've been in the same situation before. After thinking hard, I then realized that I had the experience in my dream. Since then, I realize that there were several occasions that I have seen in my dreams before it happens. Unfortunately, I couldn't control those dreams (so that I dream of something spectacular such as nomor lotere, gitu) nor know when I will experience the situation, so it's no big a deal, really. Maybe it's like seeing a glimpse of the future, but so far there's nothing interesting coming from it.
3. I have problems with mulas (what's mulas/mules in English, ya? contraction?); I'm just hardly able to 'generate' them. I have this problem with BAB for as long as I remember. When I was a kid, I couldn't do it if I don't use minyak kayu putih (again, bhs inggrisnya opo seh dev?). Sometimes, if I don't eat enough vegetables or fruit, I couldn't even do it for several days. Gileee.... siksaan dunia banget deh itu rasanya. And when I was pregnant with my kids, at the end of my pregnancies, when I was going to deliver them, there was no contraction although there was some openings (bener gak sih, bukaan rahim tuh opening? teuing ah). Finally, the doctor must use medicine to start the contraction. Only after getting the medicine, I could feel the contraction coming. Kalo gak dibantu infus, kayaknya sampe tua jg gak bakalan dateng tuh mules. Oh mules... mules.
4. I can stand worms, frogs, roaches, or other disgusting things, but I can not, ever, stand the rippling alien skin. You know, the one on the forehead of siapa itu namanya di Startrek ya? You know, the big, rough guy with spiky forehead from Klingon? He's a bit Ok since the spikes don't move. But in some other movies where the rough skin move...Urrgghhhh..... I can't help shuddering just to think about it. I remember a movie about an alien infiltrating a human, and it's like moving under the guy's skin. Yuuckksss.... Ok, no more talking about alien skin.
Wow, so there are some weird things in me. Well, that's it, just 4 unusual things (masih kalah sama elo, dev). I wonder about other people, my friend Mia and Bayu. What are you weirdest things, guys?